Saturday, September 20, 2008

to have and to hold in custody

last night the miso came bursting into the apartment after biking home from campus, completely out of breath, pale-faced, and immediately dashed to the window. his explanation: 'i just outran a cop'.

now, i'm not so concerned that my dearest one takes his life into his hands every time he gets on his bike with brakes that 'kinda work', and splits lanes, and will, on occasion, go flying through intersections with both middle fingers raised, and, on at least one occasion, will yell back at a truck driver (who is yelling at him for riding down the middle of the street) 'fuck you, sarah palin' (=right now, in our house, calling someone 'sarah palin' is just about as horrible an insult as you can hurl). none of this worries me so much. he wears a helmet, right? no, what worries me is that the 'I just outran a cop' statement (and furtive, nervous glancing out the blinds) was followed by one simple word: 'again'.

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