Monday, March 30, 2009

can't we just call HGTV?

Me and the miso are trying to become homeowners and if I thought parents of 'gifted' high school students were over eager, real estate agents introduced me to a whole new level of yowza. We made the mistake of inquiring about one property and had a message from a guy calling us from his vacation to answer any questions we had. Even better, he yells at his son halfway through the message to ask what the local number was.

Aside from starting sentences now with 'according to our realtor' and 'a 30 year fixed just makes more since than a 5/1 ARM because', I think the weirdest part of all of this was seeing the names Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the bottom of our loan application. Seriously? No one at Countrywide (which apparently is still allowed to do business) thought to white that one out? I have also begun to listen with rapt interest to Planet Money and the financial episodes on This American Life. I learned lots from this week's podcast about master's insurance, foreclosed condos, and not being lured in by stainless steel appliances. But they're so shiny! 

I also still keep waiting for our realtor or mortgage lender or, frankly, my parents to finally call us up and say, 'listen, this has been fun and all, but you are a child. call us in twenty when you want to be a grown up and not play grown up.' I mean, my number one concern a couple nights ago was google mapping the nearest In-N-Out while watching gossip girl on Would you give me a loan? 

So now my new mission is to look responsible and worthy of homeownership when we fly out east this weekend to meet with the realtor. I have nightmares of me in my chucks and l.l.bean backpack smacking on gum while our realtor slowly drives away in his marquis and I'm asking the mister 'well where the fuck is he going, honey bunny? should we, you know, follow him?' damn my adorably young face (which the blood taker at Kaiser recently informed me is 'so small! so perfect for movies! big screen, small face.' I love her). I think the trick will be in the pants - I need slightly ill-fitting pants from the BR and a button-up shirt. And perhaps some sensible flats. Add in a pocket checkbook and we have reached adulthood! 

Friday, March 13, 2009

plz 2 hlp

How in the world does the youth of america have any shot at excelling in English and grammar if this is the kind of crap their parents send to their teachers:

Jane Doe has taken both exams
Apparently for the nation latin exam we need the school code before we send it out
Could u help
Plz call us back
Sent using BlackBerry 

I just got the msg from lib that they found the code
It was included in the packet
So we are all OK
Thanks for help 
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