Friday, June 20, 2008

thai me up

Last night I made Thai food. From scratch. I feel like a superhero. The process was, of course, ridiculous, and I wasn't even hungry by the time we sat down to eat because I ate an entire baguette to stave off my hunger while cooking for two hours. But I made peanut sauce, and I baked tofu that had been dipped in glaze (glazed in a dip?). I bought coconut milk and actually used it, along with coconut extract, and coconut oil. My entire kitchen is covered in pureed corn (when your food processor says its capacity is 3 cups, believe it), and I'm pretty sure at least one of my cats ate half a lemongrass stalk. But I MADE THAI FOOD.

And I will never make it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you'll make it again, if you know what's good for you.