Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I don't want to say I'm from the ghetto, but...

I am so totally in love with the latest contestant on ANTM who claims to be from the 'ghett-o' of Marietta.

For reals?

Right, I'm off to book my salon appointment to get all my hair cut off. It's my semi-annual, I just watched the makeover episode of Top Model, ritual. Which always result in a mushroom on top of my head. Which I proceed to grow out until the next cycle of Top Model. Fun times. Here's hoping this go around turns out more Kat(i)e Holmes and less Kate Gosselin.

1 comment:

Emily HK said...

I saw that episode last night and nearly fell out of my chair!

Good luck with the haircut. I sat in my stylist's chair this morning and resisted the urge to have her cut it all off. I like my ponytail too much to do it, but man, it was tempting.