But here's my bigger concern: when she was really sick, I woke up one night to find her (on my pillow...my whole pillow) not breathing. So I gently wake the miso to let him know that we lost her. He wakes up and carefully picks up her little body to carry her upstairs. And then, kapow! she shoots out a paw and is back in the land of the living. In other words, I'm a little afraid that I now have a zombie cat. And she is sleeping on my pillow not out of a desire to be close to her dear owner who just footed the vet bill, but so that she can eat my brains while I sleep.
Seriously, there is some mischief in those eyes. Brain-eating, undead, mischief.
On the positive side, when the academic job market shrivels up with the rest of the economy, we can get the miso a reality show on television healing animals. ka-ching.
Come to think of it, 'the misadventures of zombie cat' could also be an interesting spin off...or at least that opportunity I've been looking for to get on Oprah.
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