When I stood with the other fanboys at the Palo Alto store on launch day a year ago, I'll confess, I was pretty giddy when you actually showed up. And for a brief second I wished that I was one of the geeks standing in line all night and having my picture snapped when I emerged triumphantly from the store with my new iPhone. And even though I waited one whole day after launch to buy mine, those first few days as an early adopter of the iPhone were fantastic. To use an overplayed line, I felt like I was holding the future in my hands.
But then, Steve, you kinda broke my heart. You dropped the price on the iPhone. And I felt like a chump. And then you kicked me while I was down. My prized 4 GB model? Discontinued. Not only did I pay too much, but I clearly also got too little for what I paid.
Oh, Steve. The rebate was nice and all, but it was a bit like getting roses from your boyfriend who just cheated on you.
But the phone, Steve, the phone continued to charm me. Regardless of the new lower price, the need to buy a headphone adapter, and the fall-out-of-my-tiny-hands slickness, I love that damn phone. It was the MVP of so many roadtrips and vacations, stateside or abroad (with the ATT international digital plan), that phone saved me a bundle on internet cafes and overpriced hotels and overrated restaurants.
So you can imagine my concern when the 3G rumblings began. 'Here we go again', I thought, 'Time for a one-way ticket to chump city'. But then I watched the Keynote...silly Steve! That new phone is just like my phone! Only Ma Bell is going to charge you more to use it. Let me send a quick unlimited text message from my own plan to my fellow early adopters: ROTFL.
You have served us fanboys well, Steve-o. Free 2.0 upgrade, absolutely amazing free apps, and I still have my original phone plan that will, in the end, let my set up still be cheaper than those fancy 3G users and their discounted phones.

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