Time for an indie mac developer plug: YummySoup, created by Hungry Seacow (hungryseacow.com). It is a super spiffy recipe organizer for Mac that makes deciding to cook all the more fun. Aside from having a sleek layout, the application has really useful tools, such as emailing the recipe or creating a shopping list for whatever recipe you decide to cook.
It works out well for me since all my recipes come from the web and I can easily cut and paste and drag photos of the food. Then I email the shopping list to myself and use my handy dandy iPhone at the grocery store. When I get home, I can access the emailed recipe from the iPhone, which I keep in the kitchen cradled in a business card holder (kudos to 'miso for picking up that little gem for me) while I cook.
For those who mainly use cookbooks, it might not be so great, but it has been a little miracle for me, since I've spent the past couple months haphazardly emailing web links and searching in vain through my inbox for past recipes I really liked. All that said, I'm still running the trial and feel a little hesitant about handing over 20 bucks for the app. We'll see.
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