I made some oatmeal cookies from the Veganomicon cookbook yesterday. I don't know why I feel compelled to start new dining adventures by cooking something. I am a terrible cook. And the end result is always inedible food, a sense of embarrassment for my earlier naive optimism, and an undercurrent of therapist-fueled angst towards my wonderful mother who never quite got around to healthy cooking.
The oatmeal cookies were pretty much on par with all of this. The 30 minute prep time somehow took me all the way through Fresh Air and I broke fastmiso's spatula in the process. The first batch were exactly what you would expect when I say 'vegan cookies': dry, crumbly, and filled with burnt raisins. Yum yum. The next batch turned out a bit better. I made the cookies bigger and took them out a lot sooner. Proof of semi-goodness: fastmiso ate a couple of his own free will. My only big gripe is that I used canola oil (which is short for Canadian oil. I was more surprised by this than I probably should be.) and I can not only taste the Canada in my cookies, but even the ziplock bag smells like Canada. Eh.
Last night I had a moment of true panic when I remembered that pesto has cheese in it. Fastmiso and I had found this great homemade pasta place on the way back from Tahoe a few weeks ago and have been having wonderful meals of fresh ravioli and gnocchi with homemade Tuscan bean soup (fastmiso is the soup master) and dollops of pesto ever since. I had a little pity party for myself last night as I watched (and smelled) the pesto all over fastmiso's plate, but I perked up when I decided to add grape tomatoes sauteed with olive oil to my gnocchi. I heart sauteed tomatoes. That Dr. Oz is on to something.
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