This time in three weeks me and the miso will be fast asleep in a cambridge hotel, orange tabby in tow, waiting to wake up and go to the closing on our first home. Totally crazy, right? I've got a mere 20 days to pack, train the new Latin teacher, finish addressing wedding invitations, and get my car ready for the cross-country drive after the wedding.
But I have a special magic trick to make those mere 20 days suddenly feel like practically a whole freaking month. Read on, dear readers, read on.
In an effort to get some things taken care of, we decided to use this weekend (our last free one together since the mister heads east for a wedding next weekend and I have a 'faculty retreat' the following one) to post all the furniture we are not taking with us. Thanks to the kindness of my parents (and my mom's defunct antiques booth and their impending move to china), we are selling most of our current Ikea furniture and inheriting some lovely pieces made of real wood without any need for an allen wrench. Oh, be still my heart.
My one miscalculation in this grand act of responsibility was that the items I posted on craigslist are items we are actually still using. How was I to know people would be so eager to purchase TWO used mattresses? As of Tuesday, me and the mister will be without a bed, dressers, and a dining table (also known as my desk). Oh, there's another new mail...cross off access to a second car as well.
And voila! Suddenly those three weeks until moving seems like a rather long span of time.
Despite sleeping on a futon and living out of a suitcase for the next few weeks, the selling off of our less-loved possessions is kind of exhilarating. As that heavy-set woman said after the fact on that one episode of Oprah, the one who had all the crap in her house (or car, or purse) and was forced to clean it out by a big chinned man while a camera crew watched, 'it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I physically (and emotionally, oprah) feel lighter.'